He purportedly gave the book to Adam and Eve after they ate from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which resulted in their expulsion from the Garden of Eden, so the two could find their way back 'home' and better understand their God. His famous Sefer Raziel HaMalach ('Book of Raziel the Angel') contains all secret knowledge and is considered to be a book of 'magic.' He stands close by God's throne, and therefore hears and writes down everything that is said and discussed. He is associated with the Sephira Chokmah in Briah, one of the four worlds of Kabbalistic theory. Raziel, whose name means 'Secrets of the Lord', is an archangel within the teachings of Jewish mysticism, of the Kabbalah of Judaism, who is the 'Keeper of Secrets' and the 'Angel of Mysteries.' In some teachings he is claimed to be a Cherub, as well as the chief of the Ophanim and is described as having blue wings, a glowing yellow aura around his head and wearing a grey robe which appears to have liquid-like properties.