If you're adding fonts manually be careful about where you copy them, so that no port/package will copy the same filename in the same location (that's one reason the handbook recommends to add a new, own directory). And in case of some basic MS fonts there's even a port: x11-fonts/webfonts (Microsoft kindly allows the use of the included fonts on other computers). So yes, the handbook describes it for multiple users.Īnd yes, you can just copy fonts from MS Windows into your FreeBSD installation - why should that not be possible? But of course you need the permission therefore: Never ever use a font you do not own the rights for! As long you're using ports/packages you don't have to worry about this legal stuff. pkg install plex-ttf, and you're done with installing the Plex fonts for all users - studying the handbook isn't needed to get some fonts installed You'll only have to add fonts manually if you really need a special font not available as port/package.Įverything outside your users HOME ('~' directory) of course belongs to all users of that computer. If you're going with the fonts available as package just execute f.e. That means: You already have ttf files, so there's no question where these files come from But many fonts are available as port/package. First: The handbook describes in that section how to add fonts manually.